Being an interracial family will always present difficulties, but ignoring what the heart wants is even more tragic. Thi…
EcoSalon Has A New Look! [Letter from the Editor]
You’ve probably noticed by now that EcoSalon has a completely new look! This redesign is long overdue. We felt the site …
Can I Listen to Sexist Music as a Conscientious Person? The Cognitive Dissonance Two-Step
You’re an intentional, conscientious person, but that same song that gets your booty shakin’ contains elemen…
Turn Off Social Media Sites and Go Take a Shower [Infographic]
You will be shocked by the facts connecting our habit on social media sites and our hygiene. Think social media is just …
What Alec Baldwin’s ‘I’m Done’ Letter Is Showing Us About Media (and Ourselves)
Why are we all part of Alec Baldwin’s public good-bye? Whether you agree or disagree with Alec Baldwin is irreleva…
Welcome Back! Embrace Change and Believe in You
Happy New Year! Welcome back and get ready for a rockin’ 2013! We are thrilled that Organic Authority, LLC (the sa…
Link Love: Stopping Abortion With Deadly Force, Teaching Creativity and 20 Irrational Fears About Beauty
A round-up of what we’re reading right now. A fancy men’s-only golf club finally opens to females, here is why th…
Video: Honor the Treaties, The Film
Video“Art can remind people that they need to care.” – Sheperd Fairey What happens when you put a reno…