Another Christmas, another disappointment. For the gazillionth year in a row, my husband didn’t give me the one gift I’v…
Upcycled Spirits
Here are two clever ways to incorporate upcycled wine bottles into your home. The Wine Sphere Chandelier from Wildflower…
MAC Attack
I am not what you would call adventurous when it comes to makeup. I wear lipstick, a little tinted moisturizer, some mas…
It’s My Party and I’ll Fry If I Want to
Men like to cook outside. I know that sounds like a sweeping generalization – my only defense is that it’s absolutely tr…
Its Cups Runneth Over: Starbucks’ Green Ways
In a former life, I worked at an agency and I can remember the day we celebrated landing Starbucks as a client. The youn…
The Lazy Woman’s Top 10 Tips for Saving the Planet
In the earth-friendly circles in which I travel, I meet a lot of extremely dedicated eco-activists. They are all outrage…
Change We Can Believe In
I hate to admit it, but I’m an instant gratification kind of gal. On the rare occasions that I rouse myself to do …
Electrolux Goes Fishing to Improve Our “˜Plastic Karma’
Plastic is everywhere. It’s littering our oceans, and even has its own homeland: a behemoth floating mass of plast…