Lucky for us, when we don’t know what to do with clothes or items that no longer fit (either our bodies or our style tas…
5 Awesome DIY Projects to Upcycle and Recycle Bras
Turn your old bras into awesome new accessories and garments with these fun and easy DIY projects! Don’t throw awa…
DIY: 10 Things To Make From Plastic Bags
Ten things you can make from old plastic bags. Even though we always bring reusable shopping bags to the store, somehow …
The 365 Challenge: A Year of Stylish Reused Clothing
To highlight the positive style and environmental potentials of reusing, Christina Dean, Founder of Redress, swore to we…
7 Items You Can Reuse to Improve Your Garden
Seven creative and inexpensive ways to improve your garden. Whether you dapple with a few indoor plants, garden on the p…
A Generation Used To Convenience
The Boomer generation isn’t used to being inconvenienced after all these years. There’s a curious thing that you s…
Earth Day – All Year Round
Tips to celebrate Earth Day every day. Happy Earth Day. If your community is hosting one of many Earth Day events this w…
The Goldberg Variations: Recycling for Baby Boomers
ColumnIf you can read this sentence without corrective lenses, you are pre-disposed to eco-activism. Let me make one thi…