What do you do if you’re a police officer looking for something to do on a slow day in Venice, Calif.? You bust an organization for selling “illegal” kombucha.
That may sound a bit farfetched, but that’s exactly what happened at Full Circle, a community organization that’s headed by Andrew Keegan (former actor featured in films such as “10 Things I Hate About You”), in Venice a few weeks ago.
According to the LAist, undercover agents from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control “raided” a fundraiser the organization was hosting. Money raised at the event was slated to go to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a marine conservation non-profit that’s known for its eco-activism.
So, what were Beverage Control agents looking for? Kombucha, a tasty, fermented tea with a bunch of health benefits. Apparently, red flags were raised when the organization made it known that they were serving kombucha made by Kombucha Dog. While most kombucha has less than .5 percent alcohol by volume, Kombucha Dog’s product is one of the more potent versions of the tea. (We’re still talking below 1 percent, here, people. There’s no way you can get drunk drinking it.)
When authorities caught wind of this information (via a tip), they planned a raid… to take away the group’s kombucha… Sorry, just had to write that again because it all reads so silly.
Luckily, Full Circle is taking the entire thing in its stride and maintaining a positive outlook. The following is a statement from Full Circle about the kombucha brush-up:
Full Circle Venice Gives Official Statement Regarding #KombuchaRaid
“We were very shocked when agents from the department of Alcoholic Beverage Control conducted an undercover investigation last Friday during a charity event at the temple. Kombucha tea is considered part of a healthy lifestyle to most. We at Full Circle Venice are focused on co-creating harmonious community- whether it is through mindfulness events, art happenings, health and wellness activities or charitable causes.
Rather than put energy into the unnecessary disturbance that took place, we will instead focus on business as usual. This Sunday’s Activ888, a weekly offering of conscious conversation and sound healing, will focus on social justice. {This event occurred last Sunday.} In honor of Brendon Glenn, a young man whose life was lost in an altercation with the LAPD last week, we will be hosting a benefit concert from 5-9pm.
Full Circle remains committed to providing a center where people of all backgrounds can come together to find spirit in community. We do purposeful work at our temple, and we look forward to energy being directed for the greater good.”
Full Circle Venice
May 15, 2015
Honestly, this whole raid just seemed totally unnecessary and like a gigantic time-waster. But, hey… whatever.
We’re happy to see that Full Circle has recovered from this totally weird incident and is moving on.
What are your thoughts about the raid? Do you think it was necessary?
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Full Circle image via Facebook