We thought we’d heard the weirdest Gwyneth Paltrow vagina recommendation when she told us to squat over a bowl of …
Gwyneth Paltrow Has Something Special for Your Skin [goop by Juice Beauty Review]
So Gwyneth Paltrow has proven herself a legit health and wellness professional. Her collab with Juice Beauty now has the…
Is Gwyneth Paltrow’s Foray into Organic Lube Legit?
Gwyneth Paltrow seems to have her hands in all things organic. And if her most recent personal health obsession turns ou…
What Do Dreams Mean? And How Decoding Them Can Rock Your World
You know how a good dream makes you feel great? And a bad dream does the exact opposite? So what do dreams mean, and how…
Stop Making Fun of Gwyneth and ‘Conscious Uncoupling’: Sexual Healing
I enjoy a good laugh at the expense of GOOP and Gwyneth Paltrow as much as the next person; it’s fairly irresistible mat…
The 7 Do-Gooders Who Drive Us Crazy
They will always be better than you. To you doers of good, we say thanks. You clean up after yourself. You say kind thin…