Chakras, meridians, and energy centers may once have ranked pretty high on the woo-woo scale. But today, chakras have gone mainstream, baby. All types, from Gwyneth Paltrow to Dr. Christiane Northrup, are touting the benefits of well aligned chakras.
We all want to be well aligned, right? But what are chakras, really? Where are chakras? And how the heck do you get them aligned?
While I am certainly no chakra expert, I have read my fair share of energy balancing info. The following is a basic introduction to chakras, a starter on getting balanced, and how to learn more.
Chakras are energy centers throughout the body. Visualize seven spinning discs of energy positioned along the spine, from tailbone to crown of head. Each chakra has its own unique color and corresponds to mental, emotional, and physical states. Say you are having throat pain or trouble voicing your opinion. This would be a throat (or fifth) chakra imbalance.
How to Balance Chakras: A Beginner’s Guide
First chakra // Also called the root chakra, it is positioned at the base of the spine, is red in color, and corresponds to the first three vertebrae, bladder, and colon. The first chakra is linked to feelings of security and basic survival needs. When balanced we feel safe and one with the earth. When out of balance we feel insecure and untethered. To balance: dance, walk outside barefoot, wear red, eat red and spicy foods, do a tree pose.
Second chakra // Also called the sacral chakra, it is positioned between pubic bone and naval, is orange in color, and associated with sexual organs, reproductive organs in women, and lower abdomen. This chakra is linked to feelings of desire and creativity. When in balance we experience feelings of pleasure, well-being, creative expression, and abundance. To balance: wear orange, eat orange fruits, hip opening poses, partake in a creative activity (painting, writing…).
Third chakra // Also called the solar plexus chakra, it is positioned between naval and breastbone, is yellow in color, and related to the digestive system, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas. The third chakra is responsible for our self-esteem and will. When in balance we feel confident and powerful. To balance: Wear yellow, eat yellow fruits and vegetables, try something outside your comfort zone, get physical exercise.
Fourth chakra // Also called the heart chakra, it is positioned in the center of the chest, is green (or pink) in color, and corresponds to lung, heart, arms, hands, and circulatory system. The heart chakra is related to feelings of love, joy, and inner peace. It is the middle chakra, linking the three lower (physical) chakras with the three upper (spiritual) chakras. To balance: honor your emotions, wear green, eat green foods, spend time in nature, do something loving, practice forgiveness.
Fifth chakra // Also called the throat chakra, it is light blue in color, and related to throat, thyroid, neck, jaw, and mouth. This chakra connects us to our self-expression, communication, and personal truth. To balance: Sing, hum, chant, drink water, wear blue, speak your truth, get a neck massage, actively listen.
Sixth chakra // Also called the third eye chakra, it is positioned at the center of the brow just above the eyes, is indigo, and related to the eyes and brain. The sixth chakra is associated with intuition. When in balance we feel imaginative, clear-headed, and decisive. To balance: Wear indigo, eat dark chocolate, dark berries, and foods high in Omega-3s, use your imagination, take a walk at night.
Seventh chakra // Also called the crown chakra, it is positioned just above the head, is purple in color, and connects us to spirit. When in balance we are enlightened and experience a strong spiritual connection. There are no physical ailments associated with the seventh chakra. To balance: Meditate, lose your ego, love, prayer.
There you have the chakras in a nutshell. As you can imagine, there is much more to each of them. For an in depth look at each chakra and diagnosing any imbalance read “Wheels of Life” by Anodea Judith, Ph.D. One of my favorites for women working with chakras is by Dr. Christiane Northrup, “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom.” And The Chopra Center holds a wealth of information on chakras and keeping them healthy.
Noticing which areas of the body are off kilter can be very helpful in identifying unbalanced energy. Not quite sure? Take a chakra test to see which of your chakras are open and which need some work.
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Image of chakras via Shutterstock